Dear all.
Happy Sunday. In some of our member’s countries – this is the start of the working week. For others it will be a lazy weekend day. Either way, we hope that you will find some time to read the attached newsletter – the first for our Arabian Sea whale network.
ASWN 2015_10 Newsletter_Vol 1_FINAL4
Thank you to everyone who sent in contributions and photos. We hope that we have done justice to your achievements, and look forward to sharing news of everyone’s progress again in half a year or so. Thank you also to the EWS-WWF UAE team for their assistance with the professional layout and design.
The newsletter is intended primarily as a tool for us to share between members of the network so that we an all keep abreast of what our friends and colleagues are doing. But please feel free to use this also as a means of showing others what our network is all about.
We look forward to your feedback and keeping in touch.
All the best.
Gianna and Marina